
New: Updated Login and Signup Page

May 20, 2019
The login experience just got a whole lot prettier.

We updated the design of the user log-in and sign-up pages. Whether you're a publisher, local buyer, or national brand, the sign-up and log-in process will have a new and refreshed look! Here are more details:

  • The "forgot password" page & all following pages have also all been updated to match the style
  • On the "reset password" page, you will need to enter your account email to get the reset link. If the email is not an actual user account, you will get an error message that lets you know an account doesn't exist with that email. (If that happens, try signing up!)
  • After clicking the password reset link, you'll land on a page to enter your new password, then you’ll be redirected back to the log-in page to sign in with your new password and account email.
  • Since it wasn't being used that often, we removed the "request to join team" button. So, if you're a new user adding yourself to an existing publisher account team, you'll be asked to contact the admin of your account for access. If you try signing up and believe you should be the admin, you'll be prompted to contact us.