About Us

Solving college advertising

Our Story

The concept behind flytedesk isn’t all that complicated. Advertisers spend $70B each year targeting 18-24 year olds and split their budgets mostly between ads on TV and ads online. But when they’re 18-24, they are in school, on campus – and 63% of them block ads online and 57% of them don’t have cable. In short, as much as advertisers target them, they aren’t reaching them.

We’re student media nerds, with deep roots in college marketing. Before flytedesk, the $6B in ad inventory on college campuses – split between college newspapers, campus out of home, student sites, sports arenas, and more – wasn’t accessible at scale. What used to take months to find, contract, and manage – flytedesk does in 5 minutes. That opens up a new world of opportunities to the partners we work with today.

Our Mission:

We’ll always be college newspaper nerds – and that informs all we do. We know our audience better than anyone else and that allows us to reach that audience where it matters most. It’s our mission to build the financial engine of student media by solving the biggest pain point in advertising.

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The Team

Looking to join? Visit our careers
page or email us at jobs@flytedesk.com

Aaron Mew

Production Designer

Alex Kronman

CEO & Founder

Alondra Garcia

Campaign Fulfillment Associate

Anna Hauschild

Manager, Influencer Marketing

Ashley Caudill

Publisher Development Manager

Cassie Crowley

VP of Operations, Elections

Dan Newman

Chief Engineer

Douglass Huang

Senior Software Engineer

Eida Omar

Software Engineer

Gary Passero

Staff Engineer

Hadley Chase

Account Director, Elections

Holden Newbill

Campaign Fulfillment Associate

Jeff Wible

Director, Product Management & Design

Jon Dunning

Campaign Fulfillment Manager

Jon Wood

VP, Product

Justina Bond

People Ops

Kaitlyn Rowell

Publisher Development Manager

Karen Wang

Data Analyst

Karl Hofmann


Leen Obeidat

Director, Business Development

Maddie McCormack

Manager, Media Planning

Matt Farmer

Software Engineer

Michelle Hendrickson

VP of Operations, Brand | Health & Wellness

Monica Brigham

Campaign Fulfillment Manager

Nate Guggia

Head of GTM

Nathan Engebretson

Account Director, Health, Wellness & Advocacy

Niya Coleman

Director of Publisher Development

Paige Ladisic

Account Director, Corporate Brand

Piper Jackson-Sevy


Sandy Perez

VP - Health, Wellness, and Advocacy

Tori Kaulins

Account Director

Zach Wineburg

Elections & Advocacy

Cheeba Toevs

Chief Security Officer

Abby Hauschild

Head of Squirrel Maintenance


Digital Prophet

Aspen Obeidat

General Mischief Officer

Henry Jones Jr. Huang

Director of Naughtiness

Stella Dunning

Fetch Operations Manager